DJ Tanner

Member Since: 2/25/2000
Total Mixes: 107
Total Feedback: 29

Other Mixes By DJ Tanner

Playlist | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

I Refuse to Give This Tape a Melodramatic Title 1

Side A
Artist Song
Busstop Hurricanes  Blue Eyed Devil 
Soul Coughing  16 Horses 
Jimi Hendrix  Gypsy Eyes (AC) 
Fear of Pop  In Love 
Sebadoh  Prince-S 
U2  The Sweetest Thing 
Lauren Hoffman  Rock Star 
Radiohead  Wonderwall 
Rolling Stones  Paint It Black 
Cake  You Turn the Screws 
Pulp  Disco 2000 
Cure  Boys Dont Cry 
Portishead  Sour Times 
Side B
Leonard Cohen  Everybody Knows 
Archers of Loaf  Web In Front 
Dinosaur Jr  In A Jar 
Velvet Underground  Here She Comes Now 
Tuscadero  Tickled Pink 
Brad  Sweet Al George 
Soul Coughing  Screenwriter's Blues 
Hot Chocolate  You Sexy Thing 
Parliament  Flashlight 
Beck  Minus 
Radiohead  Pearly* 
Tricky  Christiansands 
Nirvana  Marigold 


Okay, probably very few people saw this before I changed the title. I have no Idea what I called it when I made it. Undoubtedly it was less appropriate than the current title. Completed 10/98.
