
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 1
Total Feedback: 1

Other Mixes By funliveson

one day, i'll rule the world...

Artist Song
elton john  tiny dancer 
further seems forever  bye bye bye (cover) 
dreaming of the fifth  new pop song 
saves the day  this is not an exit 
american football  i'll see you when we're both not so emotional 
brady goodwin  king hippo 
planes mistaken for stars  the past two 
taking back sunday  you're so last summer 
texas is the reason  the magic bullet theory 
dashboard confessional  hands down 
jimmy eat world  cautioners 
my spacecoaster  she said 
slick shoes  angel 
pedro the lion  penetration 


--when i feel alone, i turn to you. you'll never desert me.


Date: 12/6/2002
Ooh, this looks mighty fine.
Date: 12/29/2002
WOW, Dreaming of the Fifth and My Spacecoaster in the same mix. Not to leave out Texas is the Reason and everything else. Rock! I'll be making myself a copy of this very soon.