Alex Temple1

Member Since: 12/13/2002
Total Mixes: 27
Total Feedback: 4

Other Mixes By Alex Temple1

CD | Single Artist
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Jazz - Avant-Garde Jazz
CD | Jazz - Avant-Garde Jazz

"Personal best" mix for Rob M.

Artist Song
Mr. Bungle  The Air-Conditioned Nightmare 
Soul Coughing  Casiotone Nation 
News from Babel  Dry Leaf 
Volapnk  Three Curiously Insubstantial Duets #3 
XTC  Everyday Story of Smalltown 
Biota  More Silence 
The Dismemberment Plan  Memory Machine 
Henry Cow  Gretel's Tale 
Neutral Milk Hotel  Gardenhead/Leave Me Alone 
Shudder to Think  Kissi Penny 
Shannonwright  Absentee 
5uu's  Roan 
The Legendary Pink Dots  Rattlesnake Arena 
Kukl  Gibraltar (Copy Thy Neighbor) 
Pierrot Lunaire  Giovane Madre 
The Shins  Girl on the Wing 
Pere Ubu  Ubu Dance Party 
Kate Bush  Sat In Your Lap 
Thinking Plague  Run Amok 
The Incredible String Band  First Girl I Loved 
Gentle Giant  So Sincere 
Jeremy Enigk  Return of the Frog Queen 


I realize this is all the same stuff I put on all my other mixes, but here's the situation: this guy directed a production of Luciano Berio's avant-garde extravaganza _Laborintus 2_ and I ran sound, and he overheard me talking to one of the producers about indie rock and asked me to make him a mix. He doesn't know anything about underground rock, so I figured I'd give him a sampling of my favorite bands. Soon I'll start making theme mixes and vary things a bit more. Besides, I think the transitions here make it worth posting despite the repetetition of tracks -- for instance, the NMH ends with the same note that the Shudder to Think begins with, and so on. I also had fun messing with seamless transitions between fairly straightforward stuff and more avant-garde stuff (particularly that D. Plan/Henry Cow transition). Anyway, enough of that.


Date: 12/22/2002
I really like the looks of this.