
Member Since: 8/30/2001
Total Mixes: 28
Total Feedback: 13

Other Mixes By clemclem

CD | Inspirational
CD | Pop
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock

If You Dont Mind: Songs For the Serial Killer In All Of Us

Artist Song
Ben Kweller & Evan Dando  Do Your Own Thing 
Elliott Smith  Pictures of Me 
Brand New  Jude Law And A Semester Abroad 
Cake  Short Skirt, Long Jacket 
Dashboard Confessional  The Only Gift That I Need 
New End Original  Lukewarm 
The Cure  Just Like Heaven 
Ben Folds  Lonely Christmas Eve 
Phantom Planet  Somebody's Baby 
Midtown  Become What You Hate 
Finch  What Is It To Burn 
Copeland  May I Have This Dance 
Bright Eyes  Bowl Of Oranges 
James  Laid 
Nada Surf  Why are You So Mean to Me 
Jack Johnson  Bubble Toes 
Onelinedrawing  Smile 
Pedro The Lion  Backwoods Nation 
Saves The Day  At Your Funeral 


this is a mix i made for my friend vince for christmas. he has good taste in music, so i'm trying to introduce him to more.


Date: 1/15/2003
there's some GOOD stuff in here like especially the nada surf and phantom planet...