
Member Since: 1/29/2000
Total Mixes: 17
Total Feedback: 1

Other Mixes By Murdoch

Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Theme - Romantic

Taking My Own Life With Wine...

Side A
Artist Song
alkaline trio  cooking wine 
""  5-3-10-4 
""  as you were 
""  this is getting over you 
""  message from kathlene 
""  fuck you aurora 
""  madame me 
""  cringe 
""  maybe i'll catch fire 
""  clavicle 
""  trouble breathing 
""  goodbye forever 
""  for your lungs only 
""  radio 
Side B
""  keep 'em coming 
""  san francisco 
""  bleeder 
""  cop 
""  you've got so far to go 
""  my little needle 
""  sleepyhead 
""  enjoy your day 
""  nose over tail 
""  tuck me in 
""  i lied my face off 
""  snake oil tanker 
""  southern rock 
""  she took him to the lake 
""  sorry about that 


Well, it had to be and my friends are super-into Alkaline Trio, just about all we do is listen to the trio and drink, so i thought it would be fitting to honor them with their very own Brian Murdoch Mix Tape. i know that isn't much of an honor, but it's just about the most i can do. i didn't put everything they've released on here, it's only a 90 min. tape. So, my friend peter, 97, the exploding boy, sundials, and bye bye love (all good songs) had to stay off. this is ,though, everything on their four official releases...i should have put 97 on here but i didn't. I've liked ALK3 since the very first song i heard of theirs, which was cooking wine, so it's only fitting that it is first i thought it fit pretty well after the sound clip that i put at the beginning. i'm going to start working on a complete double cd of them
