
Member Since: 12/4/2002
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 144

Other Mixes By bloodredbird

Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock

"something is changing inside of me..."

Artist Song
Rilo Kiley  Wires and Waves 
Don't Deconstruct 
The Frug 
A Better Son/Daughter 
Pictures of Success 
Spectacular Views 
Science vs. Romance 
Paint's Peeling 
Small Figures in a Vast Expanse 
The Execution of All Things 
Salute MY Shorts! 
My Slumbering Heart 
We'll Never Sleep (God Knows We'll Try) 


I can't stop listening to this great band from Los Angeles. Besides being the hottest looking band I've seen in a while, their songs are really heartbreaking.
image for mix


Date: 2/6/2003
Rilo Kiley is amazing and one of the most underrated bands out there. Oh, and I found out that the lead singer is the girl from that Fred Savage/quiet kid that plays Nintendo and goes to the world Nintendo playing championship movie "The Wizard" from the 80s--which is really funny, because I had a huge crush on her when I was like, 6. And the song Salute MY Shorts is there because the guitarist (the one with the skeezy-yet-rad mustache) was on Salute Your Shorts. Aah, so many memories of so much late 80s TV. Aah.
Date: 2/7/2003
can't say i know much about this band (nothing, really!) do you still want to trade?
Date: 2/7/2003
rilo kiley was SO unloved until barsuk snatched them. but i have always loved them, no matter what label they're on. and the singer? very hot. nice mix.
Date: 2/7/2003
err...they're not on barsuk but some other indie fucking label that everyone knows. oops.
chelsea k. palmer
Date: 2/7/2003
NO FUCKING WAY MAN. i thought i was the only one... god, usually my friends get my taste but no one really seemed to be as into rilo kiley as me. all i got was "meh, they're okay." i especially love 2-6 and a couple of songs that aren't on there: the good that won't come out, plane crash in c, and hail to whatever you found in the sunlight that surrounds you. i am so glad to know that others appreciate this gem of awesomeness. hehe.
Date: 3/28/2003
Glendora?! Arm's Outstretched?! I made one of these afew weeks ago and I wasn't going to post it, but you left off some songs I miss so...
Great mix though, though I wish I could find a tape of them live, her voice is so much fuller...