Jake Adler

Member Since: 11/4/2002
Total Mixes: 64
Total Feedback: 147

Other Mixes By Jake Adler

Cassette | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

The Roots is Takin' Ovah

Artist Song
The Roots  Common Dust 
" "  Good Music 
" "  Intro/There's Something Going On 
" "  Proceed 
" "  Distortion to Static 
" "  Mellow My Man 
" "  ? vs. Rahzel 
" "  Essaywhuman?!!!??! 
" "  What You Want 
" "  Act Too (Love of my Life) 
" "  You Got Me (f. Jill Scott) 
" "  Rock You 
" "  The Seed 
" "  Water 
" "  Something in the Way of Things (In Town) 
Rahzel f. Erykah Badu  Southern Girl 


I put this CD together for my English prof. I was meeting with him and mentioned I was going to see them, and he said "Oh, I heard the guy on NPR. He was very articulate for a rapper." So I made him this mix to educate him in the ways of the Roots.
It's exactly 80 minutes. And yes, I'm aware that therre's nothing off Illadelph Halflife. I don't own it. Sorry.
image for mix


Skills McPlenty
Date: 2/10/2003
"Oh, I heard the guy on NPR. He was very articulate for a rapper."

LOL, are you sure he wasn't talking about Colin Powell?