
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 17
Total Feedback: 40

Remember the Suburbs

Side A
Artist Song
pavement  gold soundz 
pedro the lion  of up and coming monarchs 
hayden  you were loved 
red house painters  have you forgotten? 
yo la tengo  green arrow 
cat power  crossbones style 
magnetic fields  the death of ferdinand du sassure 
east river pipe  astrofoam 
elliott smith  single file 
sebadoh  spoiled 
radiohead  meeting in the aisle 
the cardigans  nil 
my bloody valentine   loomer 
Side B
james  sometimes 
lloyd cole  no blue skies 
the smiths  there is a light that never goes out 
ride   kaleidescope 
felt  sunlight bathed the golden glow 
the feelies  on the roof 
sugar  gift 
superchunk  the first part 
chavez  new room 
beth orton  don't need a reason 
aphex twin  track 3? 


after the heat broke at my apartment, i was thinking about life at my old home the other day; this is what happened. the stuff is relatively and it makes me think of high school. the aphex twin song is from one of the ambient discs, vol. one i think.


Date: 2/27/2003
its sweet.