
Member Since: 1/30/2001
Total Mixes: 88
Total Feedback: 20

Other Mixes By johnnyboy

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Mixed Genre

Latter Days in Disney Town

Artist Song
Mono  Disney Town 
Brassy  Work It Out 
Snow Patrol  NYC 
Idlewild  Roseability 
Kent  If You Were Here 
Mojave 3  Who Do You Love 
Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers  Never Thought 
Radar Bros.  Shifty lies 
Ivy  Undertow 
Over the Rhine  Latter Days 
PJ Harvey  This Mess We're In 
Longpigs  The Frank Sonata 
Hurricane #1  The Greatest High 
Spearmint  It Won't Be Long Now 
Promise Ring  Perfect Lines 
Guided By Voices  Fair Touching 
Elf power  The Winter is Coming 
Lucksmiths  Punchlines 
Smiths  Is It Really So Strange? 
My Bloody Valentine  Only Shallow 
Weston  Volume Hater 


Last of some old mixes I found and thought I'd post. Still some great songs on here though some of these were definite "overflow" songs from the Napster days.
