metaoctave (ryan)

Member Since: 4/12/2003
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 8

Other Mixes By metaoctave (ryan)

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Theme - Depression

one good turn deserves another

Artist Song
cat power  taking people 
bob dylan  positively 4th street 
beck  lost cause 
holopaw  abraham lincoln 
ugly casanova  hotcha girls 
neutral milk hotel  three peaches 
cat power  king rides by 
antarctica  closetful of churchs 
hum  suicide machine 
tristeza  smoke through glass 
mogwai  stanley kubrick 
hrvatski  gemini (early) 
burger/ink  milk & honey 
mum  i can't feel my hand anymore, it's alright, sleep still 
hrvatski  anaesthetise thineself 
rapt.  college (part 1) 


this was my first contribution to a game of mixcd tag my friend and i decided to start. she goes to college in DC, i am in RI. so we plan on just mailing mixes back and forth because thats what friends do. i view this one as basically dividing into 3 main parts that contain a similar feel (songs 1-5, songs 6-9, and songs 10-14, with the last two songs serving as a quiet, reflective outro). rapt is the musical project of my friend jove and i; it is computer composed electronica. he made this song and it includes an presidential speech that is all cut up and editted...


Date: 4/12/2003
cat power, dylan, NMH, beck = awesome
ill cthulhu you
Date: 1/11/2004
Ryan: Thanks for the comment on my mix tape. I took the time to look through the tapes you've posted and I'm really quite impressed. You obviously have a great appreciation for music, as well as excellent taste. If you'd be willing, I'd gladly trade tapes with you at some point. I'd especially be obliged if you could send some of your own material. I happen to live in Rhode Island as well, and have a musical project of my own and I'm always pretty eager about hearing local (or, in your case, localized) music. Anyway, if you're interested, send me an e-mail.