Shoegazing Dave

Member Since: 11/13/2002
Total Mixes: 100
Total Feedback: 320

Moving to Minneapolis: My Minnesota Mix!

Artist Song
Ace Troubleshooter  Chilly Minnesota 
Mountain Goats  Minnesota 
Robin Williams  I Love Minneapolis! 
Mineapolis 93x  Minnesota Vikings/Afroman Parody 
Big Wu  Minnesota Moon 
Eddi From Ohio  Minnesota, 1945 
Ivan Kahle  Minneapolis Polka 
KDWB Morning Show  The Girls From Edina, Minnesota 
Local Artist  Minnesota, Tonight 
Lucinda Williams  Minneapolis 
Mason Jennings  Southern Minnesota 
Minnesota Wild  Minnesota Wild Hockey Anthem 
Minnesota Twins  Talkin Bout Minnesota Baseball 
Minnesota Vikings  Skal Vikings (Skal Minnesota)! 
New Funk  Minneapolis Reprise 
The Push Stars  Minnesota 
The Talking Bag  Twins In The City (Minneapolis Song) 
Tom Waits  Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis (live) 
UMN  Minnesota Gophers Fight Song! 
Led Zepplin  Minnesota Blues (live) 
Get Well Soon  Minnesota 
Bill Janovitz  Minneapolis 
Soft Boys  Underwater Moonlight Minneapolis 
(Wierd Al Yankovich)  (Living In Minneapolis) 
(Sadat X)  (Minneapolis) 
(Sigur Ros)  (New Untitled Minneapolis Song live) 


a mix of songs inspired by/about Minnesota and its best city, Minneapolis. A disc i will be listening to as I make the move to Minneapolis! I may not like all these artists, but hey, I found 23 songs about Minneapolis, what can I say? :) Almost put the sigurros tune they wrote in minneapolis on, but didnt.. wanted to stick with songs that had MINNEAPOLIS or MINNESOTA in their title. Alright. fun stuff, doncha know! youuuuu betcha! and no, whilenot everyone from the twin cities talks like that, my mom sure as hell does.. :)
image for mix


Date: 4/13/2003
Great picture, what is the web site that you got this picture from, its amazing.
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/13/2003
nice! Its this awesome website that has SO many amazing pics of Mpls/Minnesota: its actually on the bottom of the pic:

check the site out -- you'll be there for a loooong time! damn i cant wait to move there!
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/13/2003
come on,wheres the minnesota love? :)
Adam Bristor
Date: 4/13/2003
Funny, I was actually thinking of doing a Minneapolis themed mix too, with a combination of local stuff and songs mentioning the town. I like the picture too, and hopefully you'll enjoy it here. You're certainly coming at the right time; it's supposed to hit 85 tomorrow. The winters get long, but when spring finally comes, nothing beats it.
Date: 4/13/2003
You forgot "Minneapolis," by That Dog.
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/13/2003
Hey -- yeah, its totally a song about that dude from minneapolis! Damn it! Thanks :) "the cutest boy i eeeeeever saw..." -- and what a good bass line!!
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/13/2003
man, i love minneapolis!! Adam - I go there a couple times a year, to see my boys play some good football. I was supposed to be there 2 years ago, but it wasn't happening.. finally though! I can't wait... you live in the city? I can't believe someone else was going to do a mpls-theme! It was hard thinking about whether i was going to do local stuff (down to LOW and DEAD MILKMEN) or keep it to the MPLS/MN name in the title... you should do one of local stuff -- some Blind Dog, Low, Aim Baby, Live in Japan, The Heed.. even go down to Soul Asylum / Jayhawks / Replacements man! There's a buncha good music in Mpls.. and such a fuckin beautiful city!!!

Date: 4/13/2003
Hey dude... Congrats on moving here, and good luck surviving the winters.. And the summers. As I see it.. Its either far too hot or far too cold.. but.. sometimes its nice. Right now its 75 degrees at 930pm.. A Rare night in April
Anyways.. Minneapolis has THE BEST music hands down of any city in the country, I hope you get to enjoy some of it... Maybe I'll make you a mix.. ^_~
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/13/2003
well K2 -- you should make me a mix :) show me some of that Midwestern Hospitality :) Actually, im moving out from Boston (in pittsburgh for a breif 7 months),so im used to the cold cold temps and snow, and I frequent Mpls in the wintertime, but this winter was pretty bland, not too much snow... i love the city though,normally get a nice fat helping of the white stuff .. and the music kicks ass...
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/13/2003
well K2 -- you should make me a mix :) show me some of that Midwestern Hospitality :) Actually, im moving out from Boston (in pittsburgh for a breif 7 months),so im used to the cold cold temps and snow, and I frequent Mpls in the wintertime, but this winter was pretty bland, not too much snow... i love the city though,normally get a nice fat helping of the white stuff .. and the music kicks ass...
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/13/2003
man, my mom's so happy i'm moving to Mpls!
Date: 4/14/2003
This is incredibly cool!! I once stayed in a hotel that's close to that tall round building.
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/14/2003
Nice!! That "tall round building" is one of my favourites in Mpls! Plus you can see it from my new apartment! I'm glad people like minneapolis :)
Date: 4/14/2003
Whoa! You forgot the theme from the Mary Tyler Moore Show ("Love is All Around"). The original was by Sonny Curtis, and Husker Du did a cover. Of course,
it doesn't actually SAY Minnesota or Minneapolis in the song, but its still the song alot of us think about when someone says Minneapolis.
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/14/2003
very true, teddy -- i should have opened the CD with that :)
Date: 4/14/2003
i live in mpls, and it's not so bad here. at least not as bad as some of the songs on this mix. i love it. well done!
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/14/2003
I know, the songs are HORRIBLE. I don't really listen to ANY of the artists except for Moutain Goats, Pushstars, Led Zepplin and Tom Waits.. It was just fun to make a mix with the word MINNEAPOLIS or MINNESOTA in their title. I found after this little project that more people than you'd imagine would write about the coolest city or state. crazy. Plus mitch hedberg hails from MN!
Date: 4/14/2003
DONT LISTEN TO THEM...TURN BACK! twine balls, crappy football teams, and lutefisk will be your demise - - good mix though
Shoegazing Dave
Date: 4/14/2003
Haha, what people aren't realising is that I already LOVED the city and state! I love the vikings! Grew up visiting family out there! I LOVE IT! I can't literally wait to move there :)
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 4/15/2003
just make sure that Kirby Puckett doesn't eat you.
Date: 8/12/2005
mitch hedburg AND nick swardson.. two of the funniest comics out there.. minnesota rocks..
Date: 8/12/2005
you should get the frank black rant about minnesota winters on there, too ;)
Date: 2/28/2006
you should DEFF add shh - by atmosphere!

its the best mpls song there is!