Tim Jenkins

Member Since: 4/13/2003
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 13

Impulse Listening

Artist Song
philoptical  caldo de pollo 
mournful  granada 
liars academy  sell me a minute 
stabilo boss  penny pass 
the starting line  hold on (the piano song) 
spitfirevolver  mine fields 
fireside  thing on a spring 
thrice  trust 
penfold  i'll take you everywhere 
the gloria record  the immovable motorist 
the new amsterdams  all ears 
only if you call me jonathan  a good start 
feeling left out  telephone wires 
pohgoh  all along 
the maccabees  sleepyhead 
brandtson  potential getaway driver 
red animal war  last train out 
reggie and the full effect  doot doot pause doot doot 
nada surf  where's my mind (pixies tribute) 


simply a mix i made of songs i liked at the time. later i got into a lot of these bands, so it was a nice starting point. trying to figure out the songs so i could post this track list has renewed my interest in a lot of these bands too.. this cd just never stops working it's magic. :D
