
Member Since: 5/7/2003
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 3

Other Mixes By MatthewB

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Mixed Genre

Finally Something to Replace Bowling

Artist Song
Spudnik  California 
Stationary Odyssey  Sometimes Running 
The Diskettes  Art 
Russ Schaeffler  Texas for Me 
Waves for the Deaf  40 MPH 
The Narps  Evaporating Fish Sequence 
And Spiders  Worry is the Devil (I&i version) 
Carsick  If I Thought You Would Go 
The Goslings  Green Figurine 
Posative  Drip Drop 
Wally Pear  Hitchhiking without a Glove 
Bionic Senses  Moon Void 
The Poetics  Signals into Starlight 
when i know you will too  stac&rcd 
Manuok  godswrath 
Erste Personen  020220 
Zachary Reese  Daleth 
This Bank Holiday  It Snowed in Autumn 


Lo-fi indie pop & quiet noise compilation released on my CDR label. Released December 2002.


Date: 5/8/2003
i'm can i get this? always in the mood for some lo fi indie and noise.
Date: 5/8/2003
ok, so i went to your mix page and saw the name of your label and then remember reading the review of this very album on splendid and then wanting very much to get it. i went to your site and found it very cool how you run the thing...very very nice. looks like i'll have to get myself a copy. and if you don't mind...i'd love to trade.
Date: 7/1/2003
i reviewed that diskettes album for splendid, and it's fuckin great. if yr interested in a trade, i'd love a copy of this........