
Member Since: 2/4/2001
Total Mixes: 41
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Other Mixes By francesca123456

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

as long as it's talking with you, talk of the weather will do

Side A
Artist Song
skip james  devil got my woman 
almeda riddle  hangman tree 
woody guthrie  hard travlin' 
gillian welch  paper wings 
rose polenzani  allah 
joan baez  eleanor rigby 
joni mitchell  coyote 
Side B
the innocence mission  lakes of canada 
rosie thomas  two dollar shoes 
ida  georgia 
jen wood  lie for a lie 
built to spill  the weather 
the mountain goats  waving at you 
okkervil river  lady liberty 
tami hart  obsessing myself 
danielle howle   in yr house 


i've been crying all day.
60 minutes, tdk


Adam Bristor
Date: 10/24/2004
That Mountain Goats song makes me cry all day too.