Other Mixes By Frannie
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
this is why i lie when i say i don't love you; this is why i cry when i say i don't need you.
Side A | ||
Artist | Song | |
death cab for cutie | blacking out the friction | |
beat happening | honeypot | |
white stripes | we're going to be friends | |
clinic | distortions | |
quasi | i never want to see you again | |
dntel feat. ben gibbard | (this is) the dream of evan and chan | |
the impossibles | connecticut | |
sonic youth | karen, revisited | |
yo la tengo | autumn sweater | |
velvet underground | after hours | |
wilco | i am trying to break your heart | |
beat happening | the fall | |
modest mouse | perfect disguise | |
Side B | ||
Artist | Song | Buy |
the shins | girl inform me | |
death cab for cutie | company calls epilogue | |
silver jews | advice to the graduate | |
kings of convenience | i don't know what i can save you from (royksopp remix) | |
beat happening | don't mix the colors | |
built to spill | kicked it in the sun | |
the shins | the weird divide | |
sebadoh | magnet's coil | |
pavement | loretta's scars | |
radiohead | karma police | |
belle and sebastian | chickfactor | |
magnetic fields | nothing matters when we're dancing | |
superchunk | driveway to driveway | |
i don't like the title but i've been thinking in those terms for days.Feedback:
Frannie, this is fantastic. all of your mixes amaze me. i love every single song on here.
honeypot i like this a lot, honeypot except for a couple of songs
Fantacular. This is the single best mix I've seen on this site in a long,long while. I think you and I would have alot to talk about. Its has a real melonchaly sound about it, yet a bitter sweet happiness about it. I've been you and i've been the other. Im the other right now. Anyway I love your mix. Email me or something
good woman by cat power should be on here with that title
This mix is delightful! I love the death cab picks, and the velvet underground, wilco, modest mouse, and belle and sebastian picks. I especially adore karma police by radiohead!