
Member Since: 7/12/2002
Total Mixes: 451
Total Feedback: 4381

Other Mixes By Curtis_Burns

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Playlist | Mixed Genre
Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre

I Don't Care

Artist Song
Gastr Del Sol  A Puff of Dew 
Eardrum  Little Bang Theory 
Add N To (X)  Ann's Eveready Equestrian 
Henry Threadgill and Make a Move  Burn 'til Recognition 
Arthur Blythe  Break Tune 
Oneida  To Seed and Flower 
Wire  Read and Burn 
David Bowie  Weeping Wall 
The Sea and Cake  Seemingly 
Mike Cooper  Hope You See 
Tea & Symphony  Sometime 
Sterolab  Tomorrow is Already Here 
Curve  Already Yours 
Black Star Liner  Harmon Dub 
Talking Heads  The Book I Read 
God Is My Co-Pilot  Reading Dick 
The Bats  Time To Get Ready 
The Red Krayola  People Get Ready (The Train's Not Coming) 
The Slits  I Heard it Through the Grapevine 
The Au Pairs  Instant Touch 
The Everly Brothers  Cathy's Clown 



Date: 6/6/2003
my goodness, Curtis! You are the master of eclecticism. Where else but on a CB mix would you see the everly bros and the slits mentioned in the same breath? Great stuff.
Adam Bristor
Date: 6/7/2003
And practically right next to each other too! Eclectic is the right word for it, and it looks like it hangs together pretty nicely. Another quality mix.
Date: 6/7/2003
Looks excellent. And probably sounds that way, too.
bufo alvarius
Date: 6/9/2003
This looks really great, Curtis. I especially like the Oneida, Stereolab, Curve and Talking Heads picks. Good stuff.
Date: 6/9/2003
Great stuff... Blythe, Threadgill & Black Star Liner. Then throw in the Slits, Wire, Bowie, Heads, etc. Nice.