Jon Arnold

Member Since: 4/23/2003
Total Mixes: 31
Total Feedback: 28

Other Mixes By Jon Arnold

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Romantic

Ain't Nothin But A Party

Artist Song
The Dirty Dozen Brass Band  Ain't Nothin But A Party 
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy  Go Daddy-O 
Reel Big Fish  Beer 
Drums and Tuba  Diagram 
Beck  New Pollution 
Ben Folds  The Ascent of Stan 
RL Burnside  Miss Maybelle 
Genkideska  Encircler 
Little Milton  Grits Ain't Groceries 
Propellerheads  History Repeating 
Self  Pattycake 
No Doubt  You Can Do It 
Fatboy Slim  Love Island 
Swamp Dogg  Total Destruction to Your Mind 
Andy Hunter  Sandstorm Calling 
Fishbone  Bonin' in the Boneyard 
Squirrel Nut Zippers  That Fascinating Thing 


there needs to be a "Party" genre... this is just some music I think would go good in the background/foreground of a party... i tried to throw in a bunch of different stuff, not neglecting the pop/dance stuff that everybody knows.. most of this mix has horns on it, so i was thinking of calling it "horny dance music", but that's just silly. so it runs the gamut from blues to swing to pop to big beat to straight up trance and all back again... this mix is meant to make some people sweat. not a slow song on it, full of things to make people dance and groove and whatnot. now if only i had friends to invite to a party. :(
image for mix


Date: 6/22/2003
it is a fun mix...I love that propellor heads song. I used to have the cd, but I let some loser borrow it and I never got it back...oh well. anyway, beck is always a plus too! I'll be your friend.
Date: 6/23/2003
This would be rad for a party. Can I come?