
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 25
Total Feedback: 227

Other Mixes By Kelley12

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre

If Those Pills Don't Work...

Artist Song
Foo Fighters  Doll 
Modest Mouse  The Cold Part 
Radiohead  Pyramid Song 
Coldplay  The Scientist 
Trail of Dead  After the Laughter 
Interpol  NYC 
Flaming Lips  Are You a Hypnotist?? 
Ohtis  Every Radiowave 
Stone Temple Pilots  Atlanta 
Nick Cave  Let It Be 
Weezer  Only in Dreams 


My sleeping mix...usually I want to stay awake just to hear the songs, but find it very hard, all of these are pretty relaxing. By the way, you haven't heard of Ohtis because they're my friend's band.


Fall Semester
Date: 6/29/2003
I love this mix.
He Thought of Cars
Date: 7/11/2003
great mix. pyramid song is a perfect fit. the mix would never work for me though cause i sing along to "the scientist" everytime i hear it. haha, oh well
Date: 9/7/2003
i really like this. i can identify with every song. and i love sleep mixes