
Member Since: 1/10/2003
Total Mixes: 21
Total Feedback: 107

Other Mixes By alexandra

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ

C'mere you fucking cat

Artist Song
Sleater-Kinney  God is a Number 
One More Hour 
Words + Guitar 
Turn it on 
Funeral Song 
Dig me out 
End of you 
Lions + Tigers 
Ballad of a ladyman 
Lora's song 
Milkshake n Honey 
Heart Factory 
Hollywood Ending 
Step Aside 
I wanna be your joey ramone 
The Remainder 
Youre no rock n roll fun 
light-rail coyote 
the swimmer 


Made this mix when One Beat first came out, it's not a best of, more of a collection of songs from mostly their newer alsums, esp one beat... i listened to this cd in my shower every day for a month - it was the ultimate sing-a-long... hope you like it. title from personal velocity (parker posey kicks ass); my friend garrett and I decided it was the funniest qoute and i really wanted to use it so i figured why not post this old mix! enjoy.
image for mix


Date: 7/7/2003
You sure just brightened up my evening! I've spent the past, I don't know, seven hours, watching MTV and now its some lameass Snoop Dog show called Doggie Fizzle Tellevizzle so I decided to check my email and now AOTM and when I read your mix title, well, BIG GRIN :0) "Oh you have a cat?" Yeah, you can play with her if you want, she doesn't bite... "C'mere, you fuckin' cat!"