
Member Since: 9/4/2002
Total Mixes: 220
Total Feedback: 895

happy canada day... eh! (oh how horribly stereotypical)

Artist Song
the new pornographers  execution day 
the two minute miracles  eleven toes 
raising the fawn  now that you're awake 
the flashing lights  same old life 
hayden  stride 
chris bell  s. general warning 
the hidden cameras  boys of melody 
royal city  you strutted and fretted across 
broken social scene  i slept with bonhomme at the cbc 
manitoba  kid, you'll move mountains 
the dears  c'etait pour la passion 
the joel plaskett emergency  true patriot love 
moxy fruvous  the drinking song 
destroyer  makin angels 
the sourkeys  simpler time 
do make say think  soul and onward 
the weakerthans  this is a fire door never leave open 
moneen  i have never done anything for anyone that was not for me as well 
cuff the duke  the difference between us 
ryan stanley  try again someday 


my buddy/coworker jess wanted me to make her a mix of GOOD canadian music. her rules were no tragically hip, nickelback, sum 41. i hope i did her proud (this mix actually had nothing to do with the fact that today is canada day. total coincidence. hooray for america jr anyhow.)


Date: 7/1/2003
true patriot love, a la la la la la...

good stuff. i don't know most of it, but i'll definitely check 'em out. love joel, theflashinglights!, fruvous, new pornographers and the dears.
Mr. Jeremy Meece
Date: 7/2/2003
Patrick G
Date: 7/14/2003
Nice mix, moneen rocks my socks off
Date: 9/4/2003
New Pornographers? Flashing Lights? Joel Plaskett? Hayden? Weakerthans? I'm drooling. This is fantastic.