
Member Since: 2/12/2003
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 10

Other Mixes By clivetime7

MP3 Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Road Trip
CD | Theme
CD | Theme - Road Trip
CD | Single Artist

Maybe It's Time For Life To Start Again

Artist Song
American Beauty  Closing Monologue 
The Clash  I Fought The Law (And The Law Won) 
The Doors  Break On Through 
U2   Beautiful Day 
Bif Naked  Moment of Weakness 
Elvis Presley  A Little Less Conversation 
Janis Joplin  Piece of My Heart 
Madonna   Ray of Light 
Cake  The Distance 
Queen  Don't Stop Me Now 
Gin Blossoms  Hey Jealousy 
The Replacements  I Will Dare 
Daft Punk  Harder Better Faster Stronger 
Pearl Jam  Alive 
Clean Living  In Heaven There Is No Beer 
Meat Puppets  Comin' Down 


Ok, the first track is a cut-down version - not the whole monologe. The track runs as follows : "I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me, but it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold onto it, and then it flows through me, like rain, and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry - you will someday."

Today is that someday, as we jump right from this soft spoken word into The Clash. :) In dealing with the last part of your life, you make a new one, I guess. Address old concerns, make new plans, and come into the realization that what you have become is more alive.

I hadn't been able to put a mix together since my last one, in March, and a whole lot of stuff has gone on in my life since then... this mix was long overdue and helped me deal with a lot of the issues in the way that only making a mix can. :)


Date: 7/6/2003
I'm not so much a fan of the Daft Punk song, but otherwise this looks real nice.