
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 25
Total Feedback: 227

Other Mixes By Kelley12

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre

Weezer vs. Pixies

Side A
Artist Song
Weezer  Velouria 
Pixies  Velouria 
Weezer  Tired of Sex 
Pixies  Debaser 
Weezer  You Gave Your Love to Me Softly 
Pixies  No. 13 Baby 
Weezer  Holiday 
Pixies  River Euphrates 
Weezer  Devotion 
Pixies  Alec Eiffel 
Weezer  Buddy Holly 
Pixies  Where Is My Mind 
Weezer  Across the Sea 
Pixies  Here Comes Your Man (Purple Tape) 
Side B
Weezer  El Scorcho 
Pixies  Vamos 
Weezer  Say It Ain't So 
Pixies  Cactus 
Weezer  Mykel and Carli 
Pixies  Bone Machine 
Weezer  No Other One 
Pixies  Break My Body 
Weezer  Undone (The Sweater Song) 
Pixies  Crackity Jones 
Weezer  California 
Pixies  Wave of Mutilation 
Weezer  In the Garage 
Pixies  Brick Is Red 

Comment: first I felt guilty pitting my two favorite bands against each other in an all-out brawl...but then I realized I had made a fucking awesome tape. Song choices were my own personal liking, I don't care if you think I should've picked different songs. I stuck mainly to earlier works of both bands, because, well, I that's what I like. Couldn't decide whether to start off or end with Velouria...end decision results above. So ya'll, who do you think would emerge as the victor? It was tough for me, but I say Pixies...but just by one inch. May be willing to trade, IM me.


Date: 7/9/2003
this sounds awesome--great idea. pixies win by more than an inch. they're gods, while weezer are simply heroes.
I'd love to trade--perhaps you will like my infinity collections. . .
Date: 7/9/2003
pixies would totally kick weezer's collective ass. pixies would totally "knock out" weezer and "drag [them] out." seriously though, maybe if the last two weezer albums didn't suck so hard, they might have more of a chance.
Date: 7/9/2003
The last two weezer albums, did not suck. Maladroit was amazing. I agree that the pixies would win, but come on, give the weez some credit.
holy fuck. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

"california" is a rentals song, i thought...unless i'm mistaken.
Date: 7/10/2003
savingender, i'm giving weezer credit - for their first two albums. i hated the green album and "maladroit" with a burning passion. they're boring and uninspired pieces of shit.
Date: 7/10/2003
ahahahaha. what a great idea.
Date: 7/10/2003
i think i have to agree with jerereremy...that's why i left off any green album/maladroit song. but hey, better uninspired weezer than something along the lines of other mainstream radio now...yuck.
Antonin Ko
Date: 7/12/2003
Thanks for leaving a comment on my mix. The Pixies is definitely one of my all time faves. And I do agree with most other people in that:
A. The Pixies won.
B. The last 2 Weezer albums were just not good.

That's it!
Date: 6/27/2004
I can't find California by Weezer. I have looked for it for days and i'm getting impatient lol. Can someone help me? Oh and Pinkerton makes up for the two bad albums sorry, but we shouldn't judge pixies as the winner just yet!