
Member Since: 7/16/2003
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 10

Other Mixes By Comaplate

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Theme - Cover Songs
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

let's get happy (widescreen) cure mix

Side A
Artist Song
the cure  last dance 
the cure  a night like this 
the cure  pictures of you 
the cure  a letter to elise 
the cure  one more time 
the cure  apart 
the cure  play 
the cure  this twilight garden 
the cure  to wish impossible things 
Side B
the cure  prayers for rain 
the cure  the kiss 
the cure  cut 
the cure  boys don't cry 
the cure  a thousand hours 
the cure  trust 
the cure  lovesong 
the cure  untitles 


mix made summer of '92 when I was getting into the cure. Looking back it draws heavily from Wish, Disintegration, and Kiss Me. However, i give myself extra bonus points for putting on some of the cool b-sides from the wish album. yay for cd singles with awesome tracks that didn't make the album.
