
Member Since: 10/25/2001
Total Mixes: 50
Total Feedback: 14

see any leprechauns?

Artist Song
fannypack  intro 
fannypack  hey mami 
deerhoof  dummy discards a heart 
roxy music  editions of you 
gary numan  metal 
lost sounds  breathing machine 
bobby conn  rise up 
beat happening  bad seeds 
my favorite  le monster 
american analog set  come home baby julie, come home 
brian eno  dead finks don't talk 
stars of the lid  piano aquieu 
ogurusu norihide  6:30 
damien jurado  tragedy 
jonathan richman  everyday clothes 
aretha franklin  i never loved a man the way i love you 
unwound  for your entertainment 


yeah whatever. a first song first and a last song last. i don't care. this is for a friend who just got back from poland and didn't even see any leprechauns. it flows nice. the whole thing meets my standards. she might not get into the unwound too much. i am OBSESSED with unwound and fannypack right now. and ogurusu norihide should be checked out by everybody.


A.D. 69
Date: 8/19/2003
Love the Roxy Music and the Brian Eno. Looks like a cool mix.