
Member Since: 8/22/2003
Total Mixes: 1
Total Feedback: 1

Other Mixes By Croz

first radioshow broadcast

Artist Song
Pop Will Eat Itself  Can you dig it? 
Stone Roses  Fools gold 
Turin Brakes  Underdog 
Ned's Atomic Dustbin  Happy 
Weezer  Say it ain't so 
G Love & Special Sauce  Rhyme for the summertime 
Radiohead  Talk show host 
Pollyanna  Bakelite 
Swervedriver  Rave down 
The Wonderstuff  Caught in my shadow 
The Pursuit of Happiness  Food 
Ride  Vapour trail 
Depeche mode  Enjoy the silence 
My Bloody Valentine  Loomer 
Janes Addiction  Stop! 


I'm just about to have my first timeslot on the local community radio station in country South Australia. This should scare the crap out of the farmers!
image for mix


Pedro Orange1
Date: 8/21/2003
Tune it, turn it up children.

Keep local radio alive and play whatever the hell you want to play.

Rock on Brother Beavis!!!