Member Since: 1/20/2003
Total Mixes: 27
Total Feedback: 20

Other Mixes By MKK

CD | Mixed Genre

Dirty as a Glass Roof in a Train Station

Artist Song
Leonard Cohen  A Singer Must Die 
Leonard Cohen  Take This Waltz 
Leonard Cohen  Closing Time 
Leonard Cohen  Who By Fire 
Leonard Cohen  The Future 
Leonard Cohen  Don't Go Home With Your Hard-On 
Leonard Cohen  I'm Your Man 
Leonard Cohen  A Thousand Kisses Deep 
Leonard Cohen  Is This What You Wanted? 
Leonard Cohen  Why Don't You Try 
Leonard Cohen  Tower of Song 
Leonard Cohen  Waiting For The Miracle 
Leonard Cohen  Queen Victoria 
Leonard Cohen  Famous Blue Raincoat 
Leonard Cohen  Ballad of the Absent Mare 


These are my choices for a CD's-worth of Leonard Cohen. Damn, it was hard though. And I'm afraid that this Best-Of looks like a lot of the other Best-Ofs floating around out there, because, well... when he's good, he's just incontrovertibly freaking good. 80 minutes of the man ain't nearly enough, though, so I might have to do a second volume of this one, too. Maybe. Anyhow, Ladies and Gentlemen: my sempiternal idol in love and song, Mr. Leonard Cohen.
image for mix


Dead Heaven
Date: 10/14/2003
I love LC, however in that pic he looks like Adam Sandler with longer hair and havinga bad day...
Mr. Jeremy Meece
Date: 10/14/2003
yes, yes, yes, and yes.
Mr. Jeremy Meece
Date: 10/14/2003
yes, yes, yes, and yes.
Date: 10/15/2003
I adore Leonard Cohen. There are a few songs I would switch around, remove, or add, but jesus, can anyone really complain about a Leonard Cohen mix? Anything will work. He's the fucking man.
Date: 10/15/2003
Yeah, exactly. I mean, the only perfect Leonard Cohen mix would be "Every-single-song-he-ever-wrote-except-for-'Fingerprints'-in-chronological-order". But, uh. This'll have to do. (`8

(oh yeah, and the one on his new album that contains the line "when Hatred with his package comes, you forbid delivery." I'm sorry. I love you like my own flesh and blood, Lenny, but that's the STUPIDEST LINE EVER WRITTEN.)