
Member Since: 7/12/2002
Total Mixes: 451
Total Feedback: 4381

Other Mixes By Curtis_Burns

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Playlist | Mixed Genre
Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre

Frankenstein: My Copy, Cat

Artist Song
Stereolab  Good is Me 
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra  Creole Blues 
Slapp Happy  The Drum 
Marshall Crenshaw  T. M. D. 
The Beatles  Good Day Sunshine 
Lulu  To Sir, with Love 
Sonic Youth  I Love Her All the Time 
The Rolling Stones  Shattered 
Speedy West & Jimmy Bryant  Sleepwalker's Lullabye 
Naked City  Gob of Spit 
Robert Wyatt  Yesterday Man 
Television  Guiding Light 
Electric Light Orchestra  Evil Woman 
Stevie Wonder  Boogie on Reggae Woman 
Modern Jazz Quartet  Lonely Woman 
The Breeders  Drivin' on 9 
Shudder to Think  You're Gonna Look Fine, Love 
Minutemen  Nature Without Man 
Elvis Presley  Suspicious Minds 
The Flaming Lips  Brainville 


...I'm not gonna make a Frankenstein mix, I'm not gonna make a Frankenstein mix...1. A song from the last record you bought.
2. A blues: not necessarily a blues record but a song that is labeled (something) blues.
3. A song that gets you going in the morning.
4. A song that you think is romantic.
5. One of the earliest records that you can remember listening to.
6. A song that you discovered from a film.
7. A song from your favorite band / artist.
8. A song from an artist / band that you otherwise don't like, but like this one.
9. A lullaby.
10. A song that makes you laugh / you find funny.
11. A really good cover version.
12. A song that reminds you of school days.
13. A song from an artist that you are embarrassed to admit you like.
14. Whatever it is, it's got to be funky.
15. A song for those quiet rainy days.
16. A song that no matter when you hear it makes you `Feel-good.'
17. A song with the word `Look' in the title.
18. From a member of the `Dead rockers society.'
19. Your favorite Elvis song.
20. Wildcard - Hey, just put any song you like on!Apologies to g.a.b. labs for 16.


p the swede
Date: 10/27/2003
go Robert Wyatt go, but ELO that's nothing to be ashamed of
Date: 10/27/2003
I was actually planning on making a 2nd one (shame on me) and had Lulu's "To Sir, with Love" in the lineup as well . . . trade for mine?
Date: 10/27/2003
And I was thinking about a second that might feature ELO...although as valis mentioned before and now p the swede, I'm not embarrassed about admitting it at all!Nice picks all round.
Date: 10/27/2003
GODS BLESS ELO..! (and, for a time, they did)...nice Crenshaw pick; and that Lulu coulda' been on a few of these. Outstanding "funky" pick! And, finally: Sha-dooby!
Date: 10/27/2003
Brilliant stuff. It seems everyone here likes ELO. Me too.
g.a.b. l@bs
Date: 10/27/2003
[*] Heh, no apologies necessary, Mr. Burns (nice t'see where we crossover)...thanks for your Frankie comment
what everyone has said + "I always remember dancing to Shattered, et al like a
wild man on the college dance floors..." (not in plastic bags, though)

here's the question: did they ever figure out if
daddy had that shot gun ?? (said he'd never need one).

[ * no ebonics or rap slang were used in the formulation of this message post]
Date: 10/27/2003
Very good. I've yet to make mine, have been through 6 Last Records, and am going to look like a real johnny-come-lately I think...
Date: 10/27/2003
Very, very nice. Lulu was one of my possibilites for # 6 too!
Date: 10/27/2003
yes, very nice, lots of cool stuff
Rob Conroy
Date: 10/27/2003
Looks awesome, Curtis.
A.D. 69
Date: 10/27/2003
Good Marshall Crenshaw pick, and the best Elvis song. Nice.
Date: 11/1/2003
It's nice you cover seveal decades, while most of mine are 60's/70's. I'm surprised to see that anyone would give an "otherwise" pick for the Stones.And, yes, I am the proud owner of ELO's El Dorado. As I recall from my vinyl days, the first two of theirs were good as well. I have still never heard a Flaming Lips song. where to start, where to start........
Date: 11/8/2003
This is a great mix. I also own a number of ELO's albums (both vinyl and cd). I love that you put the Duke with the Stones, ELO, Modern Jazz Quartet, Flaming Lips. Keep up the good mixes.
Date: 6/11/2005
Jeez I'm surprised to see you make a frankenstein mix...maybe I should make one..!