Dan W

Member Since: 11/9/2002
Total Mixes: 102
Total Feedback: 11

Other Mixes By Dan W

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Mixed Genre

I could have sworn you belived in me, but then why are all the other unicorns dead?!

Artist Song
Broken Social Scene  KC Accidental 
Pulp  Disco 2000 
The Unicorns  I Was Born (A Unicorn) 
They Might Be Giants  The End Of The Tour 
Magnetic Fields  All The Umbrellas In London 
Death Cab For Cutie  405 
Elvis Costello  Good Year For The Roses 
Bonnie "Prince" Billy  I See A Darkness 
Mount Eerie  Let's Get Out Of The Romance 
Mountain Goats  Linda Blair Was Born Innocent 
Sufjan Stevens  For the Widows in Paradise; For the Fatherless in Ysplianti 
Frank Sinatra  Dance With Me 
Rilo Kiley  Paint's Peeling 
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists  Tell Balgeary, Balgury Is Dead 
The Decemberists  July! July! 
Morrisey  Suedehead 
Iron and Wine  Peng 33 
Damien Jurado  Tornado 
The Cure  In-Between Days 
The Shins  The Celibate Life 
Holiday  It's Wrong To Love 
Tom Waits  Jersey Girl 


a mix for a friend.


abigail dice1
Date: 11/19/2003
oooo. I adore "Tornado". it's one of my favorite Damien Jurado songs. and "Paint's Peeling" is lovely as well. nice job!
Kathleen Gallagher
Date: 11/19/2003
That Unicorns song is so great! The rest of this mix looks excellent as well.
French Connection
Date: 11/19/2003
Tom over Bruce everytime for me.
Date: 11/19/2003
405 :) !!