Member Since: 12/3/2003
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 37

Other Mixes By IMTEHAXOR!

MP3 Playlist | Alternative - Indie Rock
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ

ABC's of Math

Artist Song
Arcwelder  Do Something Right 
Brass Knuckles For Tought Guys  Nude Boy Dorothy 
The Cancer Conspiracy  Our Mind's Active Nightlife 
Don Caballero  The World in Perforated Lines 
Explosions in the Sky  Glittering Blackness 
Friend/Enemy  Thax Douglas 
Ghosts and Vodka  Four Red Brains 
Hella!!  Biblical Violence 
Inlantic  Landmass 
June of '44  Mindel 
Keleton DMD  Black and Single 
Lightning Bolt  Mistake 
Mercury Program  Every Particle in the Atmosphere 
1985  Matching Rings 
Oxes  Half Half and Half 
Paul Newman  Way to Breathe, No Breath 
Q and Not U  We <3 Our Hive 
Rumah Sakit  Go Horsey, Go! 
Slint  For Dinner... 
Tortoise  Night Air 
Unwound  December 
Volta Do Mar  Music For Countries 


Ok, I am sorry but I simply could not think of any math bands starting with W, X, Y, or Z. If anyone can think of any, tell me.
image for mix


Date: 12/5/2003
friggin great. ummm not exactly "math" (i'm bad with genres anyway) but may i suggest windy and carl, and yo la tengo. good luck fitting all this on one cd too. :)
Date: 12/5/2003
xui xui, xerobot, x-ray spex, xtc and x!
Date: 12/6/2003
Hah 3 of those badns were reccomended for my ABCs of Indie Rock mix. I don't consider X or Xiu Xiu math, and I have yet to hear SPex or XTC. I am going to check them out though. Thanks for you input.
Date: 12/20/2003
oh, MATH bands...i kinda missed that...