Charlie Rose

Member Since: 11/16/2003
Total Mixes: 35
Total Feedback: 208

Other Mixes By Charlie Rose

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Romantic
CD | Theme - Romantic

Duct Tape, Bottled Water & Headphones

Side A
Artist Song
Spiritualized  Lord Let it Rain on Me 
Paul Anka  Late Last Night 
Bo Diddley  Who Do You Love? 
Johnny Cash & Nick Cave  Cindy 
Rolling Stones  Winter 
Them  Here Comes the Night 
Roy Orbison  It's Over 
Smog  Ex-Con 
White Stripes  Hand Springs 
John Cale  You Know More than I Know 
Silver Jews  Long Long Gone 
Yo La Tengo  Our Way to Fall 
Vashti  The Coldest Night of the Year 
? & the Mysterians  96 Tears 
Side B
Roxy Music  End of the Line 
Violent Femmes  Sweet Misery Blues 
Ferlin Husky  On the Wings of a Dove 
Kris Kristofferson  The Silver Tongued Devil and I 
Haley Bonar  Drinking Again 
Songs:Ohia  Soul 
Sinead O'Connor  The Last Day of Our Acquaintance 
Low  The Last Snowstorm of the Year 
M. Ward  Carolina 
Charlie Rich  Papa was a Good Man 
Langley Schools Music Project  Desperado 
Teddy Bears  To Know Him is to Love Him 
Ida  Purely Coincidental 



Date: 12/10/2003
Excellent...where d'you find Nick Cabe & Cash doing Cindy?...Langley School Project is a great track...good to see someone else appreciates Charlie Rich...!
Date: 12/11/2003
Rob Conroy
Date: 12/11/2003
This looks really, really great. Songs:Ohia are always a welcome addition to any mix, and I love that Teddy Bears song.
Adam Bristor
Date: 2/4/2004
Oh, wow, this is great. "96 Tears" is classic, and I'm using that Haley Bonar song on a mix of Minneapolis music that I'm making this very moment. Ooh, and that Langley song always gets me. That little girl's voice just does something to me.