
Member Since: 8/24/2003
Total Mixes: 29
Total Feedback: 15

Other Mixes By imaria

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Sleep

2003: a year for a new year.

Artist Song
dan wilson.  what a year for a new year. 
the smiths.  that joke isn't funny anymore. 
the postal service.  clark gable. 
norah jones.  painter song. 
david gray.  please forgive me. 
busta rhymes f. erykah badu.  one. 
peter gabriel.  don't give up. 
ani difranco.  evolve. 
damien rice.  cheers darlin'. 
elliott smith.  pitseluh. 
coldplay.  the scientist. 
robert randolph and the family band.  squeeze. 
tom waits.  burma shave. 
something corporate.  me and the moon. 
mates of state.  i have space. 
john mayer.  clarity. 
u2.  i still haven't found what i'm looking for. 


a mix of songs that have effected me in oh three. track one kept me going through the year. track two WAS this year. track three's chrous is exactly how i think (i want so badly to believe that there is truth, that love is real. and i want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd). tracks four and five are songs that were constantly played when a friend of mine who left for basic training came back in september. track seven saved my life. track eight is the female empowering song of the year. yes motherfucker. track nine paralyzes me everytime i hear it and i can't do anything when i listen to it. track ten was the first song i heard by elliott smith (r.i.p.) and is still one of my favorites by him. track eleven was many a sleepless nights driving around bangor/orono/old town/brewer, crying. track twelve makes me smile and dance everytime i hear it. track thirteen is the hippie. track fourteen is solely for the musical end of things. track fifteen is one of those songs that makes you feel all warm, and it keeps me from killing every happily dating person. track sixteen picks me up. and track seventeen came on the radio this past summer when i was in the car with three very good friends of mine, and for the four minutes and forty seconds that song lasts for, everything felt like it would work out. hopefully, in oh four, it will. happy new year!
