
Member Since: 11/26/2003
Total Mixes: 2
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By rothenbeck

CD | Mixed Genre

you're in for it

Artist Song
sound clip  death to smoochy 
death cab for cutie  title and registration 
bjork  human behavior 
they might be giants  man it's so loud in here 
looper  dave the moon man 
aphex twin  girl boy song 
deltron 3030  madness 
tsuneo imahori  cynical pink 
sound clip  "jersey's where it's at" 
minus the bear  get me naked 2: electric bugaloo 
beastie boys  futterman's rule 
modest mouse  the air 
mouse on mars  chromantic 
the notwist  this room 
the faint  violent 
q and not u  soft pyramids 
piebald  it's going to get worse before it gets better 
owen  i'm not going anywhere tonight 
the good life  a dim entrance 


made this one for a friend. nice little electo plus chill rock plus dancier indie stuff.
