harry holler

Member Since: 1/30/2004
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 12

Other Mixes By harry holler

Cassette | Mixed Genre

who in her lonely slip

Side A
Artist Song
the animals  when i was young 
alan price  sell,sell,sell 
the guess who  clock on the wall 
tenesse ernie ford  16 tons 
johnny cash  this side of the law 
bob dylan  gotta serve somebody 
leonard cohen  everybody knows 
nick cave & the bad seeds  lovely creature 
hollie dew, bull & group w/ hoes (lomax)  don'tcha hear poor mother calling? 
berzilla wallin  coversation with death 
16 horsepower  black bush 
simon & garfunkel  richard cory 
Side B
william blake  ex. from dead man 
leonard cohen  who by fire 
doug wallin  omie wise 
nick cave & the bad seeds  up jumped the devil 
vic chesnutt  untitled(instrumental) 
magnetic fields  don't look away 
roger miller  king of the road 
ugly casanova  barnacles 
elliott smith  angeles 
ola bell reed  high on a mountain 
clarence bird  cuckoo bird 
alan price  justice 
vladamir vysotsky   
vic chesnutt  threads 


last song on side 2--put the clock back on the wall--the "e" types
has a theme in my head-tape for a friend


Date: 2/8/2004
those first eight songs are really a powerhouse group, and i can see them really flowing together well.