
Member Since: 3/19/2001
Total Mixes: 99
Total Feedback: 24

Other Mixes By evilarchitecture

CD | Electronic - Ambient
CD | Electronic - Ambient
CD | Electronic
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Dance - Jungle/Drum'n'bass

though you are gone i still often walk with you

Artist Song
colleen  everyone alive wants answers 
nick drake  way to blue 
squarepusher  tommib 
aphex twin  xtal 
elliott smith  angel in the snow 
hope of the states  sts'ikel 
cocteau twins  cherry-coloured funk 
windy & carl  instrumental 2 
brian eno  by this river 
redcell  the silicon garden 
andrew coleman  plot lost 16 
lexaunculpt  le elancholia 
a silver mt zion  tho you are gone i still often walk with you 
slowdive  alison 
rachel's  and keep smiling 
leonard cohen  the partisan 
u-ziQ  driving is easy 
brian eno  an ending (ascent) 
godspeed you black emperor!  edgyswingsetacid 
my bloody valentine  sometimes 
hope of the states  101st lament 
stars of the lid  ballad of distances, pt. 1 
philip glass  lhasa at night 
explosions in the sky  6 days at the bottom of the ocean 


oh the drear...i love it so


james porter
Date: 2/9/2004
wow! much battered and woozy dreamtime musics, goodness and loveliness.
Date: 2/9/2004
absolutely fantastic.