
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 54
Total Feedback: 49

you can't sum up rock n roll in one word: old and new revamped rock

Artist Song
Gary Glitter  Rock n Roll Part 2 
Lost Prophets  Last Train 
The Offspring  Hit That 
Beastie Boys  No Sleep Till Brooklyn 
Lucky Boys Confusion  Hey Driver 
MXPX  Well Adjusted 
Social Distortion  Ball and Chain 
Greenday  I fought the law (Clash cover) 
Cake  Rock n Roll Lifestyle 
Toadies  Possum Kingdom 
Yeah Yeah Yeahs  Maps 
Madness  Our House 
The Darkness  Growing on me 
Bob Seger  Old Time Rock n Roll 


I'm a rock n roll junkie. I love it. Give me any kind of rock, I'll be completely happy.


Date: 2/24/2004
I love that Bob Seger song, though I'm no big fan of the rest of his stuff. By the way, "I Fought the Law" was a cover when the Clash did it too; it was written by Sonny Curtis and done by Bobby Fuller in the '60s.