
Member Since: 3/20/1999
Total Mixes: 111
Total Feedback: 1

Other Mixes By brodiebanky37

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

collected soul

Side A
Artist Song
collective soul  shine 
collective soul  goodnight good guy 
collective soul  sister don't cry 
collective soul  love lifted me 
collective soul  heaven's already here 
collective soul  breathe 
collective soul  scream 
collective soul  simple 
collective soul  untitled 
collective soul  the world i know 
collective soul  smashing young man 
collective soul  december 
collective soul  where the river flows 
collective soul  gel 
collective soul  she gathers rain 
Side B
collective soul  precious declaration 
collective soul  listen 
collective soul  maybe 
collective soul  disciplined breakdown 
collective soul  heavy 
collective soul  no more no less 
collective soul  slow 
collective soul  run 
collective soul  generate 
collective soul  skin 
collective soul  vent 
collective soul  why pt. 2 
collective soul  speak my language 
collective soul featuring elton john  perfect day 
collective soul  happiness 


my tribute to the last straight rock and roll band. what i mean by that is they're not alternative, metal, industrial, techno whatever, they are just straight up rock and roll. candlebox was the only other one but they've broken up so collective soul is the last one. i decided to do this because their new album is absolutely amazing. you may notice that disciplined breakdown and dosage are not heavily represented here. that's because i think they are the two weakest albums the other three are all absolutely incredible. well i guess that's enough rambling for now.
