I like you so much you make me want to vomit...

Artist Song
Jimi Hendrix  All Along The Watchtower 
AC/DC (Bon Scott)  Back in Black 
Led Zepplin (John Bonham)  Stairway to Heaven 
Meat Loaf (Wells Kelly)  Piece of the Action 
Drifters (Rudy Lewis)  Up on the Roof 


These are all artist who died by asphyxiation on there own vomit. Kind of gross. Actually got the idea watching Hackers the other night. A work in progress. Got anyone to add to the list? LMK..not available in stores. Thank God! Tina


Date: 4/21/2004
Nice work so far...kinda steals the thunder from a "died too soon" mix I was going to make...No other pukers come to mind, but didn't Mama Cass Elliott die from choking on a sandwich or something? I may be wrong...
Date: 4/21/2004
What about something by the Blues Brothers? Rawhide, so you get John Belushi?