
Member Since: 8/24/2003
Total Mixes: 29
Total Feedback: 15

Other Mixes By imaria

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Sleep

things better spoken without words.

Artist Song
the frames.  frailach. 
harold faltermeyer.  axel f. 
badly drawn boy.  wet, wet, wet. 
tom waits.  cinny's waltz. 
they might be giants.  space suit. 
the smiths.  oscillate wildly. 
newsies soundtrack.  rooftop. 
royksopp.  she's so. 
squarepusher.  iambic 5 poetry. 
28 days later soundtrack.  end credits. 
explosions in the sky.  your hand in mine. 
godspeed you black emperor.  glass museum. 
mogwai.  tracy. 
the sea and cake.  rossignol. 
moulin rouge soundtrack.  your song. 
dirty three.  lullaby for christie. 
the frames.  in the deep shade. 
noel gallagher.  teotihuacan. 
ani difranco.  this box contains.... 
frank zappa.  sofa no. 1 (acoustic). 


this is my current instrumental mix. because it feels better than speaking. the order isn't. i mean, it has no specific order. they could be played in any order, and yeah. just because. words sometime get in the way.


john widdop
Date: 5/9/2004
Good mix, although given the largely instrumental nature of the tape, it's mysterious how you've included the mogwai song with probably the most number of words (be them spoken though)or do potential-band-break-up-orientated phone calls not count?
Date: 5/9/2004
i must have a different version of tracy. there aren't any words, spoken or otherwise in mine. hmmm. strange.