
Member Since: 11/8/2000
Total Mixes: 1
Total Feedback: 12

Other Mixes By jayll

i tried to bribe the undertaker

Side A
Artist Song
tori amos  winter 
tori amos  honey(live) 
tori amos  waitress(live) 
tori amos  pretty good year 
tori amos  mohammed my friend 
tori amos  putting the damage on(live) 
tori amos  doughnut song 
tori amos  hey jupiter 
tori amos  me and a gun(live) 
tori amos  leather(live) 
tori amos  precious things(live) 
tori amos  liquid diamonds 
Side B
tori amos  bliss 
tori amos  sugar(live) 
tori amos  upside down 
tori amos  caught a lite sneeze 
tori amos  mr. zebra(live) 
tori amos  juarez 
tori amos  way down 
tori amos  over it 
tori amos  professional widow(mix) 
tori amos  raspberry swirl 
tori amos  icicle 
tori amos  cruel(live) 
tori amos  little earthquakes 


I made this for a good friend of mine who has TOCD-Tori Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I picked songs that I have to lipsynch to in the bathroom when I'm in a rock star mood.


Date: 11/11/2000
A wonderful Tori mix... personally I would have put Marianne on there... well, just because it's my favorite song. Hehe. But really, a fine fine collection you have here. I'm quite impressed.
Shane Brown
Date: 11/13/2000
A great mix indeed - A nice way to introduce someone who has never heard Tori before or to quiet the obsessed Tori fan. My only question I did have was why so many live tracks instead of the studio releases? Just a touch of curiousness there in all honesty :) A nice mix over all and just the simple fact that you started it with Winter & then included Icicle on side 2 , as well (Only 2 songs that has ever made me cry at a concert) won me over with the mix. Your friend should be proud :)