Lancelot Link IV1

Member Since: 11/23/2003
Total Mixes: 40
Total Feedback: 246

Other Mixes By Lancelot Link IV1

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One for the Gipper

Artist Song
Heaven 17  (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang 
Psychedelic Furs  President Gas 
The Fun Boy 3  The Lunatics (Are Taking Over the Asylum) 
The Clash  When Ivan Meets GI Joe 
XTC  Living Through Another Cuba 
Frankie Goes to Hollywood  Two Tribes 
Prince  Ronnie, Talk to Russia 
Jazz Butcher  President Reagan's Birthday Present 
The Ramones  Bonzo Goes to Bitburg 
Naked Raygun  Managua 
The Dicks  I Hope You Get Drafted 
BGK  Arms Race 
Discharge  Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles 
D.O.A.  America the Beautiful 
Reagan Youth  Reagan Youth 
MDC  Missile Destroyed Civilization 
The Insane  El Salvador 
The Fartz  The Battle Hymn of Ronald Reagan 
Dead Kennedys  Stars and Stripes of Corruption 
Bongwater  Reaganation 


Ronald Reagan was a worse president than he was an actor (and that's saying something). Amidst all of the gushing and glowing tributes to Reagan, I needed to return to some of the music that helped articulate how many of us felt when he was in office. This is the man who insisted there was no Russian word for "freedom," who joked he had outlawed Russia ("Bombing begins in five minutes"), tried to fob off ketchup as a vegetable to school kids, supported South African apartheid, resisted AIDS research, made the poor poorer, the rich richer, etc., etc., etc. There is a lot more music from the era that could be included here; I chose to divide this (roughly) into two parts. This starts with some "new wave" British protests and ends with some classic early Eighties hardcore that probably wouldn't have needed to exist if he hadn't been elected. Prince and Bongwater don't fit into either category but were deemed necessary.
image for mix


Date: 6/9/2004 excellent mix!
Date: 6/9/2004
Date: 6/9/2004
flipping brilliant! this should be mix of the week! let me know if you're interested in a trade!
James Jackson
Date: 6/10/2004
Love to see Bongwater turn up on a mix. I agree that we seem to have forgotten the real legacy of Ronnie Ray-Gun. This is excellent.
Date: 6/10/2004
excellent mix, excellent sentiments
Date: 6/10/2004
Very cool mix. Especially the first half but that second half looks good too.
Franklin Onn12
Date: 6/10/2004
Excellent! That's how I remember him too.
Date: 6/10/2004
The FGTH song keeps going through my mind - that was such a great track & Pleasuredome was really an excellent album, even amid the unbelieveable hype.
Oh yeah, you forgot to mention Iran-Contra and all the secret South American wars; the inane "Just Say No" war on drugs; the massive deficit created under Ronnie's tenure; and the Star Wars missile defense system. Lot's of great memories - yup - what a great guy - yup.
My wife said she heard that someone proposed that we slap his big ol' leathery head on a 20 dollar bill; if they do that, I'll never use a twenty again, just out of principle. Yup.
Date: 6/10/2004
Nice work.
Date: 6/10/2004
great looking mix and as a former californian, it was simply bizarre with the "ketchup as a vegetable" concept but as a former teamster, when he broke the "air traffic controller" union....Yikes, there's so much more. Did I say this was a great mix!!!!! not much has changed, although we continue to try.... perhaps when we get a choice more than the usual 2 or 3. when in germany before and after the wall came down I couldn't believe all their political goings on were televised "always" and you could see what those rascals were up to, but europeans always seem to have 10 or more people to choose from. hmmmm. did I say this looks like a cool mix? ; )
joey de vivre
Date: 6/10/2004
A great collection - takes me back, unfortunately . . . but, good to see that somebody else remembers the real Ronzo . . .
lo-fi jr.
Date: 6/10/2004
Ahh, the memories are coming back now. Great collection & better sentiment. Been waiting for the inevitable backlash to all the gushing.
A.D. 69
Date: 6/10/2004
Every day I turn on CNN, and go "Wow, he's still dead." They're playing this up like he was Jesus re-incarnated or something, makes me sick. I bet when the Pope finally dies, it won't even get half this much play. I dig your protest tunes, and I support your blatant dislike of Reagan (the worst president ever, of course, is George W. Bush).
Date: 6/11/2004
Great mix and great message. This city (DC) has basically shut down the past few days, because somebody deemed it necessary for Dutch to bless us with a final visit. Every sound bite I hear, has been some drivel about what a great president he was. Maybe it's the heat, but it seems like the entire population here has forgotten what really happened while Ron and Nan lived in the big house on Pennsylvania Ave.
Sean Lally
Date: 6/11/2004
I'm SO glad that others remember what a despicable moron that man was. Iran-Contra, years of ignoring AIDS, and the ultimate irony - having an airport named after him. Of course, everything old is new again - I didn't think I could ever hate a "president" or person as much as Reagan, and how wrong I was. Sadly. No, when the Pope dies, he won't get this treatment. More importantly, when an actual GOOD human dies (like Jimmy Carter), he/she won't either.
Sean Lally
Date: 6/11/2004
Actually, with all of the recent suggestions for renaming buildings and whatnot in Reagan's honor, I've decided to name my next significant poop after him -- I think it would be a fitting tribute. A friend was relating the story of how a local community college shut down for the day in his memory - yes, stopping the learning process for a day seems to be another appropriate tribute.
Date: 6/11/2004
I was thinking about doing something similar, but since you've used half the songs I had in mind, I'm now a little conflicted.
Think. Think. Think.
Rob Conroy
Date: 6/11/2004
I'm with you 100%. Nice mix.
Date: 6/11/2004
Date: 9/23/2004
Way late on this suggestion Lancelot, but another track which-in my estimation-woulda' fit per-fekk-tuh-lee on this mix is Flo & Eddie's "Keep It Warm"...the line:
"...light another joint for the Gipper, the Gipper he gets high he gets hipper..."
Date: 1/23/2005
"b-movie" by gil scott heron was the best song about the old prick. remember when you heard he got shot? & then straight after that you heard he wasn't dead? burn!i remember i was listening to the doors 1st album at the the time, i mention it because it is the only "what i was listening to when i heard that blah-blah-blah was dead" memory that i have...yeah big deal. .