i can't believe kids born in 1981 have graduated from college - damn i'm old.

Artist Song
japan  ghosts 
the members  working girl 
devo  beautiful world 
the frantic elevators  hunchback of notre dame (peel session) 
code blue  face to face 
medium medium  hungry so angry 
the embarrassment  celebrity art party 
the clean  thumbs off 
the specials  ghost town 
new order  ceremony 
great buildings  hold on to something 
adam & the ants  stand and deliver 
television personalities  silly girl 
sad lovers and giants  things we never did 
dislocation dance  vendetta (theme) 
the undertones  it's going to happen 
split enz  one step ahead 
the police  invisible sun 
pigbag  papa's got a brand new pigbag 
the db's  big brown eyes 
heaven 17  (we don't need this) fascist groove thing 
depeche mode  shout 


one of many year-based CDs I burned just to leave in the car for when I forget to bring other CDs. Not that I actually knew any of these songs in 1981, mind you, I was 10 at the time. Well, probably the police and split enz, my mom liked them.

and please no comments from people older than me about the title! i know i know. i just don't feel like i'm 33 this year.


Date: 6/10/2004
I'm only 20 myself, but the thought of people who were born in '94 graduating college kind of breaks my head, too.
James Jackson
Date: 6/10/2004
I have little sympathy when someone who was born in 1971 starts bellyaching about being old, since I was already well into puberty by the time you were hatched. Great mix, though.
p the swede
Date: 7/29/2004
i did a 81 mix myself sometiem ago
Date: 10/30/2006
This is a great collection of lesser-known bands and tracks from the 1980s. Some of them are my personal favorites, but some I haven't heard of -- so I must track them down to find out what I missed!