
Member Since: 3/16/2003
Total Mixes: 26
Total Feedback: 43

Other Mixes By soalive

CD | Theme - Break Up
CD | Theme - Sleep

Hurts So Good Volume 1

Artist Song
Christina Aguilera  Come On Over 
Hilary Duff  So Yesterday 
Britney Spears  Stronger 
Ashlee Simpson  Pieces of Me 
Mandy Moore  Candy 
Samantha Mumba  Gotta Tell You 
Lindsay Lohan  Ultimate You 
Jessica Simpson  With You 
Britney Spears  I'm a Slave 4 U 
Hilary Duff  Come Clean 
Lillix  It's About Time 
JoJo  Leave(Get Out) 
Mandy Moore  I Wanna Be With You 
Willa Ford  I Wanna Be Bad 
Hoku  Perfect Day 
FeFe Dobson  Everything 
Lindsay Lohan  That Girl 


You could call this the guilty pleasure mix. It's full of songs that I really shouldn't like, but I do. They're crappy and unimaginative, yet they still managed to worm their way into my heart. For this volume, I've focused on female artists. I'm generally not a fan of repeating artists, but I have for this cd because these artists release so many poppy hits it's hard to pick just one. Plus, it's my cd.

Volume 2 will most likely be focusing on the pop punk trend.


Date: 7/6/2004
Lindsay Lohan sings now? Are you kidding me? It seems anyone in Hollywood can get a record deal nowadays.
Date: 7/6/2004
yay for fluffiness. music shouldn't take itself so damn seriously all the time. :)