
Member Since: 7/31/2003
Total Mixes: 104
Total Feedback: 12

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Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Theme - Romantic
Cassette | Mixed Genre

Signs in the sky

Artist Song
Van Morisson  I forgot that love existed (live) 
John Waite  Ain' t no sunshine 
10000 Maniacs  Trouble me 
Sinead O' Connor  I' ll tell me Ma 
Gianna Nannini  Kolossal (live) 
Alice  Una Notte Speciale 
Immaculate Fools  Wish you were here (in England) 
Dire Straits  Romeo and Juliet 
Ryan Adams  La Cienega just smiled 
Daniel Lanois  Power of One 
Deacon Blue  Your Constant Heart 
Lisa Germano  If I think of Love 
The Smiths  These Things take time 
SadT  Why can' t we live together 
Sebadoh  Think (Let tomorrow be) 


Ready for Take-Off
