Other Mixes By alabamudclay

Theme - Alternating DJ


frankensteinly my dear
Side A | ||
Artist | Song | |
sound effect | cbs special presentation | |
the dwarves | fefu | |
clip of groucho marx | "i could dance with you til the cows come home" | |
the junkyard dogs | lightning bar blues | |
misfits | some kinda hate | |
clip of butters from south park | "i could use some goddamn poontang myself right now" | |
lubricated goat | can't believe we're really making love | |
clip from pee wee's playhouse | "mecca lecca hi mecca hiney ho" | |
olivia newton john | magic | |
geoff muldaur | brazil | |
clip from dilbert | "how many good omens involve things that come out of a chicken's butt?" | |
butthole surfers | sea ferring | |
the who | teenage wasteland | |
clip from the prisoner | "i will not be pushed" | |
the specials | enjoy yourself (reprise) | |
clip from the little rascals | "you ain't got any loose food laying around that you ain't using, has you mrs. lady?" | |
the moldy peaches | steak for chicken | |
Side B | ||
Artist | Song | Buy |
clip from bear in the big blue house | "we're having fun in the bathtub" | |
pj harvey | monkey gone to heaven | |
the cramps | new kind of kick | |
clip from the adventures of priscilla, queen of the desert | "no more fuckin' abba" | |
abba | mama mia | |
george clinton | atomic dog | |
clip from attack of the 50 foot woman | "now you pulled a boner tonight, and you know it" | |
beck | lonesome tears | |
clip from office space | "we need to talk about your flair" | |
the flaming lips | when you smile | |
stevie wonder | lookin' for another pure love | |
clip of julia childs | "you can tell when they're ready by poking them with your finger" | |
john lennon | crippled inside | |
elvis presley | suspicious minds | |
clip from the andy griffith show | "somewhere wanderin' loose around mayberry is a loaded goat" | |
hank iii | hang on | |
clip from aliens | "that's it man, game over man, game over" | |
it's on cd, butt the template only allows for 30 tracks on a cd.1. A song from the last record you bought 2. A blues: not a necessarily a blues record but a song that is labelled (something) blues 3. A song that gets you going in the morning 4. A song that you think is romantic 5. One of the earliest records that you can remember listening to. 6. A song that you discovered from a film 7. A song from your favourite band / artist 8. A song from an artist band that you otherwise don't like, but like this one 9. A Lullaby. 10. A song that makes you laugh / you find funny 11. A really good cover version 12. A song that reminds you of school days 13. A song from an artist that you are embarrassed to admit you like 14. Whatever it is, it's got to be funky 15. A song for those quiet rainy days 16. A song that no matter when you hear it makes you `Feelgood' 17. A song with the word `Look' in the title 18. From a member of the `Dead rockers society' 19. Your favourite Elvis song. 20. Wildcard - Hey, just put any song you like on!

you so need to post mp3's of those clips you have. especially the julia child one...
omg, i love the sound clips before some of the songs. thats aweosme
Fucking incredible!!!
this looks really good, i like the cover as well.
Very good! It reminds me of a lot of the tapes I would make years ago.