Member Since: 12/3/2003
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 37

Other Mixes By IMTEHAXOR!

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ

Birdie Bry Never Die

Artist Song
Four Tet  Hands 
Two Lone Swordsmen  Hope We Never Surface 
Venetian Snares  Walmer Side 
Blood Brothers  'Love' Rhymes With 'Horrible Car Wreck' 
Forget Cassettes  Like Tiny Swords 
Cursive  The Recluse 
The Streets  It's Too Late 
Jeff Beck  Nadia 
Boards of Canada  An Eagle in Your Mind 
Notwist  This Room 
Radiohead  Sit Down. Stand Up. 
At the Drive-In  Non-Zero Possibility 
Manitoba  I've Lived on a Dirt Road All My Life 


A rainy day/driving mix for Birdie. This is the first mix where I tried digitally editing the tracks to enhance transitions between songs. I went a little overboard on it with the editing, but it was a good learning experience.


Date: 10/4/2004
Love the Blood Brothers song!! Cursive too! - Nice Mix
Date: 6/13/2006
sweet mix