Member Since: 12/3/2003
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 37

Other Mixes By IMTEHAXOR!

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ

Loved in Minnessota...I mean Switzerland

Artist Song
Piebald  Karate Chops for Everyone But Us 
Pretty Girls Make Graves  All Medicated Geniuses 
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists  Tell Balgeary, Balgury is Dead 
The Unicorns  I Was Born (A Unicorn) 
The Rapture  Echoes 
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead...  Heart in the Hand of the Matter 
Broken Social Scene  Almost Crimes 
Sufjan Stevens  Romulus 
The Pillows  Last Dinosaur 
Forget Cassettes  Accismus 
The Velvet Teen  Naked Girl 


A mix for Miss Katherine. I used the digital editing lessons I learned from making Birdie's mix to make it flow real well, but I realized how important converting it to .wav is for burning when I listened to it on Dave's car stereo. I shortened the silence between all the tracks except between 5/6 and 6/7. I had to get creative with the Rapture song because they crossfade the next track in the album on there at the end for a split second so I put in a cliche sounding record-stopping sound which works. I crossfaded the end of the Trail of Dead song with the intro of Almost Crimes. Also hand-made the cover and everything...wish I had taken a picture of it before I gave it to her. Oh well. The song titles form the acronym KATIEHARLAN. A little campy, I know...
image for mix


Date: 10/5/2004
That's my favorite Piebald song. But the entire mix is great!