
Member Since: 7/18/2001
Total Mixes: 48
Total Feedback: 1

Other Mixes By derrick1

CD | Theme
CD | Theme
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme
CD | Theme

my hotel year

Artist Song
david bowie  new killer star 
damon and naomi  eye of the storm 
bruce cockburn  outside a broken phone booth with money in my hand 
fairport convention  book song 
phoenix  victim of the crime 
new york city  take my hand 
saint etienne  don't back down 
memphis  3:15 on the last day of school 
blonde redhead  melody 
damon and naomi  the great wall 
bruce cockburn  prenons la mer 
stars  sleep tonight 
saint etienne  how we live now 
simon and garfunkel  the only living boy in new york 
joni mitchell  refuge of the roads 


i spent 13 weekends in a hotel this year.
