Pop Kulcher

Member Since: 7/1/2002
Total Mixes: 376
Total Feedback: 895

Have An Uneventful New Year

Artist Song
Roxy Music  More Than This 
The Shins  New Slang 
Squeeze  Tempted 
The Connells  '74-'75 
Elvis Costello  Every Day I Write The Book 
Grateful Dead  Franklin's Tower 
Ben Folds Five  Brick 
The Cure  Friday I'm In Love 
Elliott Smith  Waltz #2 (XO) 
Wilco  Heavy Metal Drummer 
David Bowie  Sound & Vision 
The Feelies  Let's Go 
Big Star  Thirteen 
R.E.M.  Man On The Moon 
Luna  California (All The Way) 
The Jayhawks  Smile 
Phish  Waste 
Matthew Sweet  We're The Same 
Yo La Tengo  Let's Save Tony Orlando's House 
Teenage Fanclub  I Need Direction 


Yep, it's boring as all get-out. Just something tossed together in about 15 minutes to bring to a friend's New Year's Eve party. As said "party" (using the term loosely) amounted to a bunch of 40-ish couples sitting around drinking margaritas while our kids tore up the place and gradually broke down as midnight approached, I stuck with a pretty mellow and mainstream-friendly mix of tunes (mostly culled from other recent mixes made for strictly non-edgy friends). Some musical input from my son (though he was pushing for an all Pixies & Sonic Youth mix); cover art prepared for the occasion by my six-year-old daughter.


James Jackson
Date: 1/1/2005
I'm liking this mix, Marc...though I would love to hear that Pixies/Sonic Youth mix that is floating around in your son's head.
Rob Conroy
Date: 1/1/2005
This looks pleasant enough for a party of that sort.
Date: 1/2/2005
I assume you didn't have a hangover, since you were able to post three mixes today. At this pace, you'll have tripled Curtis Burns' output for 2005. Anyway, this looks like a nice margarita mix for the 40-something crowd. Did it go over well? I find that whenever I struggle to put together a mix for a shindig, everyone tends to ignore it. Apparently conversation is more important than what the stereo is playing. Oh, and the cover art is adorable.
p the swede
Date: 1/2/2005
nice mix and great cover, and exactly what Ion said, everytime I try to do a mix that I want to listen to they ignore it and talk instead, maybe I try to hard
Date: 1/2/2005
Nothing wrong with this at all, my kind of "Adult Contemporary" in fact. Cool cover too. And, uhm, pipe down over there Moe ;-)
Date: 1/2/2005
chock full o classics. Love the EC into the Dead part.
Date: 1/2/2005
Good stuff!
Date: 1/3/2005
I like this - and I second/third what P the Swede and Moe have said about people ignoring mixes and talking instead! very irritating (but entirely understandable - in fact, almost guaranteed that I did it over the festive period).
Date: 1/4/2005
Very cute cover art! This is really very nice for its purpose and full of great tracks - love the BFF and Teenage Fanclub especially, and the stretch from 2-5 is lovely. It is, indeed, a risk when you make a mix for a party or something that everyone will sit around and talk, and pay next to no attention to your handiwork, but hey, at least the love is being spread. :) And a happy New Year to you too!
Date: 1/5/2005