
Member Since: 6/3/2002
Total Mixes: 62
Total Feedback: 5

the great fish revisited OR: isn't it still junior year?

Artist Song
Deep Forest  Marta's Song 
Jump Little Children  Dancing Virginia 
The Nields  Fountain of Youth 
Dar Wiliams  Mark Rothko Song 
Lost & Profound  Brand New Set of Lies 
Eleanor McEvoy  Precious Little 
Deep Blue Something  Breakfast at Tiffany's 
Marry Me Jane  Positive 
Patty Griffin  Moses 
Jane Kelly Williams  These Things 
Curnutte & Maher  Mary, Mary 
The Evinrudes  Sunfish 
Kami Lyle  Blue Cinderella 
Moxy Fruvous  My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors 
Cowboy Junkies  Hold On To Me 
Everything But the Girl  Walking To You 
The Connells  Fun & Games 
Tori Amos  Pretty Good Year 
Jann Arden  Could I Be Your Girl 
Sarah McLachlan  Good Enough 


for Amy, like the original. Almost 10 years ago, this was the soundtrack to an Isuzu Trooper speeding along N. GA highways, tooling around Nashville looking for garage sales, and just lazing around in faded green sweaters. March 2005.
