
Member Since: 11/4/2002
Total Mixes: 86
Total Feedback: 609

Other Mixes By quadb

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Jazz
Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock

2004: The Year I Discovered Music (not really, but here's what I bought)

Artist Song
The Marble Index  I Believe 
The Pursuit Of Happiness  Completely Conspicuous 
R.E.M.  Make It All Okay 
Danny Michel  Two Hearts 
Elliott Smith  A Distorted Reality Is Now A Necessity To Be Free 
Ryan Adams  So Alive 
Jay Farrar  Vitamins 
Joel Plaskett Emergency  Extraordinary 
Ad Frank and his Fast Easy Women  Dumb Trilemma 
Broken Social Scene  Stars And Sons 
Jack Johnson  Gone 
Travis  Love Will Come Through 
Paul Westerberg  Folk Star 
Liam Lynch  My United Stats Of Whatever 
Pilate  Overrated 
Dashboard Confessional  The Good Fight (Unplugged) 
Rob Szabo  Nobody's Perfect 
Sloan  Gimme That 
Steve Earle  The Revolution Starts...Now! 
Wilco  At Least That's What You Said 
U2  Miracle Drug 


I made this mix quite a few months ago and it's basically a collection of stuff I bought last year. Since I've recently developed an obsession with listening to podcasts however, it feels like I made this mix a billion years ago since I haven't really listened to any of this for a little while. Still a nice mix, though... (up for trades.) Also, I haven't posted for a while and most of my old mixes are long since gone but I put a little (*) beside any mixes that are currently available for trade (if anyone's interested.)


Kid A
Date: 3/25/2005
My Magic Eight Ball tells me you like Dylan. A nice mix,the Singer Songwritter covention should be very pleased. But, I must disagree with you on the inclusion of Elliot's "A Distorted Reality Is Now A Nescessity to be free" I love Elliott Smith, But that just may be one of his worst tracks and a disapointing closer to an otherwise grand album. The Jack Johnson, U2, and Westerburg picks are also quite curious...But to each his own I suppose...
Date: 3/25/2005
I love that Liam Lynch song! It's awesome.